Stop Big Tobacco from targeting Denver kids!
About the Campaign
There’s a public health emergency unfolding right before our eyes — and the cause couldn’t be clearer. The tobacco companies are using flavored products to hook kids — and it’s working.
Flavored tobacco products, especially e-cigarettes, have addicted a new generation of kids and threaten to reverse the decades-long progress Denver has made in reducing youth tobacco use.
There are thousands of e-cigarette flavors and over 200 cigar flavors. Flavors like Cotton Candy, Pink Lemonade, Orange Soda, Cherry Dynamite, Mango Mania, and Cool Mint are still readily available, clearly targeting our kids. 81% of kids who have used tobacco started with a flavored product.
Today, over 1.6 million kids nationally use e-cigarettes. 89% of youth e-cigarette users use flavored products.
Denver can protect kids by ending the sale of all flavored tobacco products, one of the most promising ways to prevent the industry from addicting our kids.
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